Rock lobster levels in Kapiti Marine Reserve
How many rock lobster (crayfish/kōura) are present in Kapiti Marine Reserve and how are their numbers changing?

Total number of rock lobster inside and outside Kapiti Marine Reserve

Number of rock lobster diagram.

Download the data used in the graph (XLXS 9K)

See research and monitoring for information about how this data was collected. The dotted lines in the graph show how the numbers of rock lobster (crayfish/kōura) may have changed in the large time intervals between surveys.

Status: undetermined

There are slightly more rock lobster inside the marine reserve than outside. Natural levels of rock lobster in the marine reserve are unknown so their status cannot be assessed at this time.

Trend: undetermined

The data shown in the graph above suggests an increase in the number of rock lobster inside the marine reserve between 1992 and 2000. Numbers were similar inside and outside the marine reserve in 2013.There is not enough data to report any changes in the last 5 years so the trend is undetermined.


There is no regular monitoring of rock lobster in the marine reserve. Occasional studies are carried out or supported by DOC, staff and students at Waikato and Victoria Universities and other researchers. 


See also research and monitoring.