
View a map and find out about the boundaries of Parininihi Marine Reserve.

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GPS points and boundaries


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

View a larger, printable, map of Parininihi Marine Reserve (with WGS 84 lat/long coordinates of reserve boundaries) (PDF, 143K)

Marine reserve boundary GPS points (WGS 84)

  1. 38 51.476 S, 174 33.396 E
  2. 38 50.202 S, 174 31.447 E
  3. 38 52.375 S, 174 28.869 E
  4. 38 53.224 S, 174 30.168 E
  5. 38 53.065 S, 174 30.448 E
  6. 38 53.195 S, 174 30.734 E
  7. 38 52.325 S, 174 31.817 E
  8. 38 52.585 S, 174 32.216 E
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