Image: Hasitha Eranda | ©
Pouakai range tramping tracks.
Egmont National Park hut wardens
Ongoing/dates vary: Volunteer hut wardens are required to help out during summer and holiday weekends at various huts in Egmont National Park.

Hut warden opportunities

Holly and Pouakai Huts, on the popular Pouakai Circuit, are our highest priority huts for wardens. Other huts we place wardens at are Makatawa, Waingongoro and Waiaua Gorge huts and also Symes huts.

Holly, Pouakai, and Waiaua Gorge Huts have warden’s quarters. There are two bunks, gas cooking facilities and some pots and cutlery in these quarters. It is a good idea to take your own cooker just in case the gas supply runs low. Let DOC know on your return if the gas needs replacing.

Hut wardens at Makatawa, Waingongoro and Symes huts stay in the main hut with other trampers.

While there may be some choice of hut this will largely be determined by management requirements. Sometimes a warden will be expected to move between two huts.


  • Holiday weekends - Waitangi Weekend, Taranaki Anniversary, Easter and Labour Weekend.
  • The Christmas and New Year period.
  • Weekends during the summer months and some school holidays.

Skills and experience required

  • An experienced tramper with a high level of fitness.
  • Be reliable and enjoy relating to a wide variety of hut users.
  • Fluent in English and have a practical outlook.
  • Previous hut warden experience and/or knowledge of Egmont National Park would be an advantage.

Mt Taranaki experiences extreme weather conditions including snow and ice. Many unbridged stream crossings exist and these streams rise rapidly and become impassable during heavy rain. Tracks can be very muddy at times and are constantly subject to damage from windfalls and washouts.

Tasks for hut wardens

The prime role of a hut warden is to help visitors enjoy their stay in the right way. Tasks to complete while at the hut include:

  • Ensure all hut users have tickets. Use the receipt books to receive money and write invoices for those without tickets to pay at the nearest DOC office.
  • Provide information about the Park from the resources provided.
  • Carry out the short inspection of the hut and surroundings.
  • Empty bags of coal and split wood into the woodshed if needed.
  • Ensure the toilet and cubicle is in a clean and hygienic condition.
  • Carry out general cleaning of the hut.
  • Check the condition of the hut book, intentions book, and record numbers off the occupancy poster..
  • Lay rat poison under the hut as per instructions.
  • Advise DOC staff if the gas bottles at Maketawa Hut need changing. You are not permitted to change these yourself.

How to apply

Complete the online application form.

Once we receive your form we will confirm with you the outcome of your aplication.

Further information will be emailed to successful applicants and you will need to attend a pre trip breifing at either:

  • North Egmont Visitor Centre.
  • Dawson Falls Visitor Centre.
  • Taranaki Area Office in New Plymouth.

Safety checks

Everyone who applies for this position is subject to a DOC safety check and Ministry of Justice criminal record check. Information about these checks will be provided after you apply.

What happens after you apply

  1. All applications will be shortlisted by matching to role availability.
  2. We’ll send the shortlisted applicants the safety check form for you to complete.
  3. We’ll contact you about an interview time – the interview will be with a DOC staff member and it’s also an opportunity for you to ask questions about the role.
  4. We’ll talk to your referees.
  5. We’ll request a Ministry of Justice criminal record check – this takes around three days.
  6. DOC staff will assess all the material provided and decide on suitability.
  7. Once approved we will work with you to find dates that suit you and complete your induction.


Taranaki Volunteer Coordinator
Department of Conservation
PO Box 462
New Plymouth 4340
