Proposal to change to speed limits in and around Whakapapa Village
Have your say on changes to speed limits in and around Whakapapa Village in Tongariro National Park. Submissions closed 19 May 2023.

The Department of Conservation is a Road Controlling Authority for roads in Tongariro National Park. 

In 2022 DOC commissioned GHD consultants to undertake a review of the speed limits in Whakapapa Village, Iwikau Village and Mangatepopo and Ketetahi access roads. This was to identify if the assumed and current posted speed limits are still suitable or need to be changed. 

Proposed speed limits changes

The proposed speed limits changes for the DOC roads in Tongariro National Park are outlined in the tables and map below. They are based on the Ministry of Transport Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2022 (April 2022). DOC intends to add these speed limits to the New Zealand Gazette.

Map of proposed speed limits in Tongariro National Park (PDF, 1,265K)

Bruce Road and Bruce Road Loop - Table of current and proposed speed limits for Gazette
Road name Current posted speed limit Proposed speed limit for Gazette
Bruce Road Section 1 (0.0-0.3) 50 50
Bruce Road Section 2 (0.3-5.1) 70 60
Bruce Road Section 3 (5.1-6.0) 50/30 Temporary 50/30 Temporary

Bruce Road Section 4 (6.0 -6.3) and Bruce Road Loop

50/30 Temporary 30
Tongariro Alpine Crossing Roads - Table of current and proposed speed limits for Gazette
Road name Current posted speed limit Proposed speed limit for Gazette
Ketetahi Road 30 30
Mangatepopo Road 0.00-5.86 40 40
Mangatepopo Road 5.86-5.908 30 30
Whakapapa Village Roads - Table of current and proposed speed limits for Gazette
Road name Current posted speed limit Proposed speed limit for Gazette
Hepi Terrace, Whakapapa Village 5 20
Ngauruhoe Place, Whakapapa Village 50** 30
Rehua Place, Whakapapa Village 50 30
Tawera Place, Whakapapa Village 50** 20
Whakapapa Campground 10 10

** Assumed the same as SH48

How to make a submission

Submissions closed 19 May 2023.

Your submission may be released publicly

All submissions are subject to the Official Information Act and can be released under this Act. If you have specific reasons for wanting to have your submission withheld, explain your reasons in the submission. Your reasons will be considered when making any assessment for the release of submissions under the Official Information Act.

What happens next

After submissions close:

  1. We consider the feedback and provide the outcome of the feedback to those that have submitted.
  2. We make a final decision.
  3. We implement the final decision for the proposed speed limit restrictions by 30 June 2023.


If you have any questions, contact us.
