Application from Carlos Wilkie for a marine mammal permit
DOC has approved a permit application from Carlos Wilkie to hold, import, and export one carved sperm whale jawbone.

Pursuant to section 5 (5) of the Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978, and to a delegation from the Minister of Conservation, the Operations Manager, David Butt, Department of Conservation notifies that they have received a permit application from Carlos Wilkie to hold, import, and export one carved sperm whale jawbone.

Application details

Applicant: Carlos Wilkie
Permission type:  Permit under the Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978
Summary of proposal:  Application to hold, import, and export one carved sperm whale jawbone which was purchased in August 2022.
Application documents: Permit application (PDF, 142K)

Submissions are closed

Submissions closed 5 pm 25 October 2023.

No submissions were received. 


The applications was approved on 3 November 2023. 


If you have a question about the application or the submission process you can contact