Submissions closed 4 pm 17 February 2023.
Under Section 26(3) Conservation Act 1987, the Department of Conservation invites comment on a proposal to dispose of a conservation area in Murupara.
If it is decided that the area is no longer required for conservation purposes after review of public feedback, the Department intends to dispose of the land.
Land details
Location of land for disposal: 8 Koromiko Street, Murupara
Legal description: Section 1 SO 579795 (formerly part Lot 61 DPS 7321) and is 0.3070 hectares
Land history: An area of mown grass with a few native trees planted in 2000. It has been used on occasion for picnics or events. Other recreation areas are available nearby.
Local map of Murupara
Aerial map of site
How to make a submission
Any person or organisation may make a submission in writing to DOC on this proposal.
Submissions closed 4 pm, Friday 17 February 2023.
1. Prepare your submission
Record what you think in either the body of an email or in print.
Any person or organisation wishing to be heard at a possible hearing in support of their submission must request an opportunity to do so. This request must be included in your submission.
2. Send us your submission
Send your submission by email or post. You'll get a confirmation email or letter when a submission has been received.
Subject line: Submission on Murupara land disposal
Department of Conservation
PO Box 5244
Dunedin 9058
Attention: Dinah Wakelin
Once submitted, submitters' information is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and may be released under that Act. If you wish to keep any part of your submission confidential, state this in writing when making your submission.
What happens next
After submissions close:
- DOC will analyse and consider all submissions.
- A hearing will be held if there have been requests to be heard by the Director-General. If you have expressed an interest in presenting your submission at a hearing, you'll be contacted by DOC regarding this.
- DOC will analyse and consider information raised at the hearing if a hearing occurred.
- A delegate for the Minister of Conservation within DOC will make a decision on the application.
Hearing details
If a hearing is required, you will be notified of a hearing date.
No details at this point. Details, such as submissions and the decision outcome, will be added when they are available.
If you have a question about the application or the submission process you can contact Kerry Brown: