Proposed classification and name for North Otago reserve
Submissions closed 19 February 2021. Have your say on the proposed classification and naming of a 27 ha area 5 km south-west of Duntroon, Otago.

Submissions closed 19 February 2021

Notice under section 16A Reserves Act 1977.

Proposed name

Name proposed: Waipata Scientific Reserve

Name history: “Waipata” is the name nominated by Te Rūnanga o Moeraki. An 1880 map of the area records this name and it is referred to in their traditions and history. It means ‘place of dripping water’ which is appropriate given the way water seeps through the limestone outcrops.

Previous name: This reserve has been referred to as “Earthquakes reserve” in the past.

Area description

Size of area: around 27 ha

Location of area: Lot 1 DP 482608. Around 5 km south-west of Duntroon, North Otago. 

Area description: This area protects a low altitude, limestone ecosystem which includes rare plants and is a popular part of the self-drive Vanished World Trail which traverses key geological sites in North Otago. Fossilised whale bones are on display within the reserve and it is recognised as nationally important for its vertebrate fossils.

What happens after submissions closed

After submissions closed:

  1. The Minister of Conservation’s delegate will consider submissions, and submissions at a hearing if required.
  2. The Minister of Conservation’s delegate will refer these submissions to the New Zealand Geographic Board (Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa).
  3. The name is approved by the New Zealand Geographic Board (Ngā Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa).
  4. The name and classification is recommended to the Governor-General.

This process is in accordance with Section 16A Reserves Act 1977.


No details at this point. Details, such as submissions and the decision outcome, will be added when they are available.


If you have a question about the application or the submission process you can contact either Daniel Jephson or Dinah Wakelin.

Daniel Jephson

Call: +64 27 224 0371

Dinah Wakelin

Call: +64 559 3596