Revoking a conservation area in Clyde
Have your say on a proposal to revoke part of a recreation reserve in Clyde. Submissions closed 31 January 2020.

The Minister of Conservation gives notice of the intention to revoke the reservation of the land described in the schedule. The land is located on the northern side of SH 8, opposite the Clyde township.

In 2002 the Central Otago District Council requested its appointment to control and manage this part of the Clyde recreation reserve be revoked. This is because it was not being managed as part of the reserve and was not required for any other local reserve purposes. It has a largely exotic vegetation cover, and no ecological or recreational values which warrant its retention by DOC.

It is therefore intended to sell the land. This proposal was notified in 2015 but put on hold while Council investigated other possible options for the land. It has since confirmed the land is surplus to requirements.

Schedule: Sections 4 and 5 SO 418236, 47.0636 ha

How to submit

Written submissions on or objections to the proposed revocation are invited and must be received at the address below by 5 pm on Friday 31 January 2020. Further information, including a plan, is available from the address below:

Department of Conservation
PO Box 5244
Dunedin 9058

Attention: Dinah Wakelin
