Allocation process for grazing on Motutapu Island
DOC wants to consider options for grazing/farming Motutapu Island. To do this, we have decided to run a Request for Proposals process.

The Request for Proposals (RFP) will provide a transparent process to determine the most suitable proposal for the opportunity on Motutapu.

December 2019 status

We have completed the RFP process and selected the successful respondent. The successful respondent has been invited to apply for a grazing concession over Motutapu Island.

About the process

To run a fair and transparent process, DOC implemented s17ZG(2)(a) of the Conservation Act. This section of the Act enables us to undertake an array of activities such as tender the right to make an application or carry out other actions that may encourage specific applications.

S17ZG(2)(a) has been approved for a period of three months and will expire on 3 March 2019.

Note that while this process is in place, we will not be accepting applications if they are deemed inconsistent with the process (pursuant to s17R(2)).


Contact us if you have any queries about the proposal process or the wider process. Note that we can only provide information that is publicly available.
