Application to film marine mammals by A.R.D.S. Limited
Have your say on an application by A.R.D.S. Limited to film marine mammals around the Kermadec Islands, through to East Cape and Gannet Island. Submissions closed 9 August 2019.

This application is notified under section 5 (5) of the Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978.

The Operations Manager, Aotea/Great Barrier Island, Department of Conservation has notified, delegated by the Minister of  Conservation, that he has received a permit application from A.R.D.S. Limited.

Application details

Applicant: A.R.D.S. Limited
Location of proposed activity: Kermadec Islands to the East Cape
Summary of proposal: Persons to be in the water with juvenile dolphins and to use a drone closer than 150m horizontally to marine mammals for the purpose of filming, from the Kermadec Islands to the East Cape.

Application background

A.R.D.S Limited application form (DOC, 434K)

How to submit your comments

Any person or organisation can make a written submission to the Operations Manager, Aotea/Great Barrier Island.

1. Write your comment

Write your comment in an email or letter.

Once submitted, submitters' information is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and may be released under that Act. If you wish to keep any part of your submission confidential, you need to state this in writing when making your submission.

2. Send your comment

Submissions closed 9 August 2019.

You can send your comment by email or post.


Operations Manager
Aotea/Great Barrier Island
Department of Conservation
Christchurch Shared Services Unit
Private Bag 4715
Christchurch Mail Centre
Christchurch, 8140

Attention: Bethan Parry