Tranzit Coachlines Wairarapa Limited (trading as Hammonds Wellington Tours) has applied for a permit to view seals during their land based guiding tours at various locations around Cape Palliser.
How to submit
Submissions on the application should be sent to:
Department of Conservation
Christchurch Shared Services
Private Bag 4715
Christchurch Mail Centre
Christchurch 8140
Attention: Amanda Edmonds
Submissions will be accepted up to and including 9 November 2017.
Submissions are part of a statutory process and may be commented on by the applicant.
Unless a person making a submission states to the contrary in the submission, that person will be deemed to give his/her consent to the release under the Official Information Act 1982 of all the information in the submission.
Application form
Application form from Tranzit Coachlines Wairarapa Limited (PDF, 354K)