Application for a marine mammal watching permit from Green Jersey Explorer Tours Limited
Have you say on an application by Green Jersey Explorer Tours Limited for a new permit to operate commercial tours to view seals on land at Cape Palliser, Turakirae Head, Te Kopahou Reserve and Cape Foulwind. Submissions close 7 November 2017.

Green Jersey Explorer Tours Limited have applied for a new permit to operate commercial tours to view seals on land at Cape Palliser, Turakirae Head, Te Kopahou Reserve and Cape Foulwind.

How to submit

Submissions on the application should be sent to:

Department of Conservation
Christchurch Shared Services
Private Bag 4715
Christchurch Mail Centre
Christchurch 8140

Attention: Bethan Parry

Submissions will be accepted up to and including 7 November 2017.

Submissions are part of a statutory process and may be commented on by the applicant.

Unless a person making a submission states to the contrary in the submission, that person will be deemed to give his/her consent to the release under the Official Information Act 1982 of all the information in the submission.

Application form

Application form from Green Jersey Explorer Tours Limited (PDF, 321K)