Vegetation stratification
Students record authentic patterns of vertical layering that comprise different vegetation types.

There are clear examples of canopy, sub-canopy, shrub and ground/fern layers. 

The students use different methodologies for recording, including sketching and photographing transects, vertical and horizontal sampling, and learn how to identify key species and conditions in the forest.


Year groups: 11-13
Curriculum levels: 6-8

Learning areas

Learning Area*




Explain and investigate patterns

A.S. 1.1, 2.1, 2.6


A.S. 1.4


Apply concepts and skills

Conduct research with direction

A.S. 1.5, 2.4, 2.5, 3.4, 3.5


Material World

Aspects of acids and bases A.S. 1.5

Living World

Life processes - ecosystems

A.S. 1.10,

*If you have another learning area you wish to explore, we can adapt. 

Learning objectives

Students will:

  • observe, sketch or sample to demonstrate layering in a forest ecosystem
  • identify key species in different layers of the forest ecosystem
  • identify key conditions in different layers of the forest ecosystem.

Key competencies

Thinking, managing self and contributing


Location: Public shelter, Bowen Drive, Aoraki/Mount Cook Village
Duration: 2 hours
Hazard level: Moderate (outside climatic conditions, steep terrain and gravel)
Cost: LEOTC fee (presentation only)
Equipment to bring: Pencils, measuring tape, sturdy footwear and warm clothing, camera, assessment and clipboard