Technology through the ages
Students evaluate materials as fit for purpose through hands-on testing and assessing a technology as it has evolved through the ages.

Choose from clothing, shelter, rescue equipment or transport as a focus for this technology activity. It is a great way to introduce students to the concepts of material properties, key attributes of an outcome and the relationship between technology and culture.


Year groups: 1-10
Curriculum levels: 1-5

Learning areas

Learning Area*




Geometry and Measurement



Material World

Properties and changes of matter – group materials

Social Studies

Understand how places influence people

Understand how people make decisions about the use of resources

Understand how innovation creates opportunities for people and places


Technological Knowledge –

Technological products – understand the relationship between materials used and their performance properties

Nature of Technology

Characteristics of Technology – understand how environments influence technology – understand how technological development expands human possibilities

*If you have another learning area you wish to explore, we can adapt. 

Learning objectives

Students will:

  • recognise that materials have performance properties
  • understand how environment impacts on technology
  • understand that technology both reflects and changes society and increases people’s capability.

Key competencies

Thinking, participating and contributing


Location: Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park Visitor Centre
Duration: 1-2 hours
Hazard level: Minimal
Cost: LEOTC fee