Drones are aircraft. All aircraft taking off, landing, or hovering on public conservation land requires a concession under the Conservation Act 1987.
Before you apply for a drone concession
You should refer to drone use on conservation land to ensure you understand the requirements for operating a drone on public conservation land.
Step 1: Identify the purpose for which you want to fly your drone
This page sets out how you can apply to use your drone for recreational purposes. Recreational drone use is when you do not use your drone any commercial gain or reward.
If you are planning to use your drone for other purposes (such as commercial purposes, or research purposes) you should refer to drone use on conservation land.
Step 2: Identify where you want to fly your drone
DOC manages a range of public conservation land. To support drone applicants with understanding where drone use is appropriate, DOC has categorized what types of public conservation land are suitable for drone use.
Public conservation land is split into one of three categories:
Green category
Drone use at this location is likely to be consistent with the Conservation Act 1987. A concession should be granted unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Orange category
Unclear if drone use at this location is likely to be consistent with the Conservation Act 1987. Further assessment is required.
Red category
Drone use at this location is unlikely to be consistent with the Conservation Act 1987. A concession should not be granted unless there are exceptional circumstances.
How to identify conservation land
To identify if the location at which you want to operate is suitable for recreational drone use undertake the following steps:
- Use our parks and recreation map to identify the name of public conservation land location(s) you want to operate at.
- Refer to the document below to confirm if your proposed locations are consistent with the drone use categories.
Recreational – drone use public conservation land locations (XLXS, 201K)
West Coast public conservation land
We are still working to categorise public conservation land on the West Coast of the South Island. Until this is complete, conservation land in the West Coast is categorised under the orange category.
If the public conservation land location at which you want to fly your drone is not listed in the above spreadsheet, let us know at permissions@doc.govt.nz.
Step 3: Submit your concession application
The drone use category for the public conservation land location(s) where you want to fly your drone will impact the next steps.
You should select this option if:
- you only want to fly at green category locations (identified in Step 2).
- you will comply with DOC's standardized drone operating conditions (PDF, 65K)
- you want a 1-year concession term.
If you want to fly at green category locations but wish for a longer concession term (more than 1-year) refer to the section ‘You want to fly at orange category locations’.
Complete the drone use application form for green category.
Green category - Recreational and research (WORD, 79K)
Green category - Recreational and research (PDF, 240K)
Send the completed application form to permissions@doc.govt.nz.
Processing fee
There is a fee for processing your application. This is charged whether or not your application is successful.
The green category application processing fee is $180 plus GST.
Processing timeframes
We aim to process applications within 5 working days of receipt of your application.
If your application is granted
- You will be provided with a concession.
- You will be issued a 1-year concession term.
- You must comply with DOC's standardized drone operating conditions (PDF, 65K).
- You will only be authorized to fly your drone for recreational purposes at green category locations per Recreational – public conservation land locations (XLXS, 201K)
If you want to fly your drone for other purposes, for example, commercial use, you must apply for a separate concession.
Additional fees
There are no activity fees or management fees for recreational drone use.
- You want to fly at orange category locations; or
- You want to fly at green category locations but want a concession longer than a 1-year concession term; or
- You want to fly at a combination of drone category locations.
Complete the drone use application form for orange and red category.
Drone use - orange and red category (WORD, 90K)
Drone use - orange and red category (PDF, 302K)
Send the completed application form to permissions@doc.govt.nz.
Processing fee
There is a fee for processing your application. This is charged whether or not your application is successful.
The processing fee varies depending on the complexity of the activity, because DOC staff time is cost recovered. The minimum processing fee charged is $2065 plus GST.
On receipt of your application you will be provided a processing fee cost estimate.
Processing timeframes
For information on processing timeframes, see how long it takes to process an application.
If your application is granted
You will be provided with a concession.
Additional fees
There are no activity fees or management fees for recreational drone use.
You should select this option if:
- you only if you want to fly to red category locations (identified in Step 2).
Complete the drone use application form for red category.
Drone use application form - orange and red category (WORD, 90K)
Drone use application form - orange and red category (PDF, 302K)
Send the completed application form to permissions@doc.govt.nz.
Processing fee
There is a fee for processing your application. This is charged whether or not your application is successful.
The red category application processing fee is $180 plus GST.
Processing timeframes
We aim to process applications within 5 working days of receipt of your application.
Refer to the section ‘You want to fly at orange category locations’.
Contact us
For further information or assistance, you can contact us at permissions@doc.govt.nz.