Draft Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve Management Plan - NZCA submission
Submitted 12 October 2015: Read the NZCA's submission on the Draft Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve Management Plan.

Submission date: 12 October 2015
Submitted to: Tasman District Council

Section Coastal Access Points


The New Zealand Conservation Authority (NZCA) is a national statutory body established under the Conservation Act 1987. It has a major governance function in that it approves national park management plans.

The NZCA approved the current management plan for the Abel Tasman National Park in 2008.

The NZCA opposes the addition of Tonga Quarry as a Coastal Access Point. The proposed addition of this Coastal Access Point is contrary to the Abel Tasman National Park Management Plan. Tonga Quarry is categorised by the ATNPMP as South Coast which “provides for walkers, kayakers and other visitors to use the park for picnics and smaller group camping, with toilets provided. This zone provides visitors with a quieter, more natural‘ national park’ experience, but with the expectation of reasonably high levels of interaction with other visitors. These places have been chosen because they have the appropriate natural values for the intended visitor experience and the facilities to cope with visitor use.”

Onetahuti already provides the Coastal Access Point in the Foreshore Plan in this area. The NZCA opposes the other campsite in the area, Tonga Quarry, becoming a Coastal Access Point, as this site provides for the South Coast experience, which the NZCA would not like to see lost as all experiences should be provided for in the National Park.

The NZCA does not support the rationale for needing an additional Coastal Access Point in the area, as boats of an adequate size for water taxis can safely use Onetahuti.

Decision sought 

NZCA opposes the addition of Tonga Quarry as a Coastal Access Point. 

Section Coastal Access Points - Numbers of visitors


‘Other general characteristics of the Coastal Access Points’ and ‘Table 6’ state numbers of visitors. However because of the differing combinations of Coastal Access Points referred to in both sections, the actual maximum number of visitors to the sites are unclear. Table 6 also seems to provide for much larger numbers of visitors than the ‘other general characteristics of the Coastal Access Points’ provides for as Table 6 has 500 visitors for the water taxis alone (and there are several other activity types provided for) at the Onetahuti (and Tonga Quarry) site (compared with 700 max for the Onetahuti, Awaroa Beach and Sawpit Point combination in the ‘other general characteristics’

Decision sought

When referring to combinations of sites for visitor numbers always use the same combinations throughout the Plan, to provide clear guidance on maximum visitor numbers.

Or spell out the max number of visitors for each site individually.

Numbers are to be consistent with the Abel Tasman National Park Management Plan.

Section 2. Treaty of Waitangi


The NZCA supports the intent of the inclusion of ‘Access for kaitiaki responsibilities and cultural activities’ and the associated Policy and other associated changes.

Decision sought

NZCA supports the proposal for allowing mana whenua to carry out kaitiaki responsibilities and or non-commercial cultural activities.

Section 12.7.1


The NZCA opposes the proposed changes as they are inconsistent with the Abel Tasman National Park Management Plan.

Decision sought

The Abel Tasman National Park Management Plan is due for review in 2018. At this time it would be appropriate to look at this in the context of the wider National Park Management Plan/Foreshore Plan