NZCA's submissions in 2020 - a summary
29 January 2021: the NZCA provided the Minister of Conservation with a summary of submissions made in 2020, providing advice to the new Minister on a number of conservation issues faced throughout the previous year.

To: Hon Kiritapu Allan
Date: 29 January 2021

At the December 2020 meeting, the Authority had the pleasure to meet with you. As a result of the discussions that arose during this meeting, the Authority resolved to provide you with copies of submissions it has made over the last 12 months. The Authority hopes that these will provide you with an insight into its mahi, as well as examples of the advice you can expect to receive from the Authority moving forward. Please find NZCA’s submissions on the following issues enclosed:

National Plan of Action – Seabirds 2020

Date: 27 January 2020
Submitted to: Ministry for Primary Industries

NZCA agreed with the intention of the action plan, but submitted further measures were necessary, including:

  • Improved monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, including cameras for monitoring bycatch on all commercial vishing vessels.
  • Mandatory adoption of mitigation practices, including on board fish-meal processions facilities for commercial vessels.
  • Prohibition of longline and set net fisheries in critical breeding areas.
National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPS-IB)

Date: 5 March 2020
Submitted to: Ministry for the Environment

NZCA supported rationale for NPS-IB, particularly regarding inadequate protection for
indigenous biodiversity provided by the RMA. NZCA further submitted:

  • Increased incentives for protection of indigenous biodiversity on private land are required.
  • Freshwater biodiversity should be included in the NPS-IB.
  • Provisions regarding biodiversity offsetting did not take into account the unique benefits provided by sites, which could not be adequately offset by increasing biodiversity in another site.
  • Central government funding would be required make NPS-IB effective, particularly in regard to increasing incentives for private protection of indigenous biodiversity and supporting local government authorities with monitoring.
Improving Whitebait Management

Date: 5 March 2020
Submitted to: Department of Conservation

NZCA supported the aim of the discussion document. The NZCA submitted that a management framework should be established for whitebait fisheries, with recreational whitebaiters required to obtain licenses, while commercial whitebaiters would be required to operate under a quota management system, similar to that administered in relation to gathering pāua.

Proposed Southeast Marine Protected Areas

Date: 29 July 2020
Submitted to: Department of Conservation and Fisheries NZ

NZCA agreed with implementation of proposed MPA network, as presented in Option 2, but suggested consideration of options to achieve a balance between conservation of marine biodiversity, and the sustainable fishing practices of the local rūnanga.

Tahr Operational Control Plan 2020-21

Date: 3 August 2020
Submitted to: Department of Conservation

Following prior advice to the Minister, NZCA supports DOCs Tahr Control Operational Plan 2020-2021. NZCA further submitted that DOC should explore potential employment opportunity through Jobs for Nature initiative and include an integrated monitoring and research programme in the Control Plan 2020-2021.

Future of Tourism in Aotearoa

Date: 22 September 2020
Submitted to: Tourism Futures Taskforce

NZCA submitted that tourism in New Zealand relies extensively on the inherent natural beauty of Papatūānuku and noted that Covid provides an opportunity to reassess tourism management, with increased focus on environmental sustainability and prioritisation of Treaty partnerships and relationships.

On behalf of the Authority, I hope you find the provision of these submissions of assistance.

Nō reira
E noho ora mai

Edward Ellison ONZM
Chairperson NZCA