Advice on the Decline of the Lower Rakaia River and Hapua
28 April 2023: Read the NZCA's advice to the Director-General of Conservation on addressing the decline of the Lower Rakaia River and Hapua.

To: Penny Nelson, Director-General of Conservation
Date: 28 April 2023

On 24 January 2023 the New Zealand Conservation Authority (the Authority) received a letter from the New Zealand Federation of Freshwater Anglers (NZFFA) requesting the Authority investigate the decline of the Lower Rakaia River and Hapua in accordance with Section 6B(d) of the Conservation Act 1987. The letter notes that river users have reported that ‘reduced flows at the lower river have resulted in once ephemeral braids becoming vegetated islands, deposition of silt and sediment on to once clean gravels, river bed armouring, river mouth contraction and increased flooding as a result’.

The letter was received and discussed during the last Authority meeting on 15 February 2023. The Authority acknowledged that a Water Conservation Order currently applies over the Rakaia River and its situation has become one of national significance. We have therefore agreed to initiate initial engagement with relevant parties on this matter, to get a better understanding of the current state of knowledge.

The Authority are aware that extensive research (due to amendments to the WCO, RMA statutory and resource consent processes) have previously been carried out on the Rakaia River. The Authority will engage with local and regional councils, and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu in order to gain a deeper understanding of what information they hold, before we begin investigating the decline.

The Authority would be grateful, therefore, if the Department could provide any information on:

  1. the principal causes of the decline of the lower river’s ecosystem
  2. whether/how adequately those causes of decline are addressed in planning documents and consent decisions
  3. whether the Rakaia WCO is adequately implemented in planning documents and consent decisions; and
  4. what action DOC is taking to advocate for improved protection of the

We look forward to hearing from you.