Bay of Plenty Conservation Board district
Find out about the Bay of Plenty Conservation Board's district

The board covers the western and eastern parts of the Bay of Plenty stretching in a ribbon like flow from west of Tauranga city, back to the Waikato River, embracing Rotorua city down to the East Cape.

Amazing forests such as Whirinaki Forest Park and Te Urewera, and the western half of the Raukumara and Kaimai Mamaku Conservation Parks are enjoyed by a wide range of recreational users from around and beyond our region. 

These ancient, generous ranges are connected intimately with significant coastal forest and dune lands that lie at the fringes of the area and continue into the depths of the marine world through to fifty seven off shore islands and beyond.

Wetland features, associated vegetation and the geothermal wonders of the Rotorua Lakes and surrounding reserve network also provide unique features to an area that is as diverse in species as it is in people groups and communities.

The places within the conservancy are novels in their own right, with pages of natural beauty, special stories, historical and cultural and taonga associated with them.