What is the term of appointment?
The Minister of Conservation appoints members to conservation boards in accordance with section 6P of the Conservation Act 1987. Terms of appointment are generally for three years. Members may be nominated for a second term. Some members get appointed for a lesser term, especially where they are replacing a member who has resigned.
Appointments to conservation boards will be for a term of up to 3 years and will take effect from 1 July. Appointments are made by the Minister of Conservation.
If you are selected, you will be contacted to confirm that you are still interested in being a board member.
Do members get paid?
Board members are paid a daily fee of $250 for meetings and other approved activities based on an 8 hour commitment. The fee for a board chairperson is $330. The daily fee applies to all work, including that performed outside of meetings (eg, preparation, representing the board at other forums, or administrative work) that is required for the body to carry out its role. Reasonable expenses for travel, accommodation and meals approved in advance by the board will be reimbursed.
If you have any questions, email Rick McGovern-Wilson at rmcgovern@doc.govt.nz.