Provide for the integrated management of natural and physical resources in the coastal environment, and activities that affect the coastal environment. This requires:
- co-ordinated management or control of activities within the coastal environment, and which could cross administrative boundaries, particularly:
- the local authority boundary between the coastal marine area and land;
- local authority boundaries within the coastal environment, both within the coastal marine area and on land; and
- where hapū or iwi boundaries or rohe cross local authority boundaries;
- working collaboratively with other bodies and agencies with responsibilities and functions relevant to resource management, such as where land or waters are held or managed for conservation purposes; and
- particular consideration of situations where:
- subdivision, use, or development and its effects above or below the line of mean high water springs will require, or is likely to result in, associated use or development that crosses the line of mean high water springs; or
- public use and enjoyment of public space in the coastal environment is affected, or is likely to be affected; or
- development or land management practices may be affected by physical changes to the coastal environment or potential inundation from coastal hazards, including as a result of climate change; or
- land use activities affect, or are likely to affect, water quality in the coastal environment and marine ecosystems through increasing sedimentation; or
- significant adverse cumulative effects are occurring, or can be anticipated.