- The Minister of Conservation does not require any activity to be specified as a restricted coastal activity in a regional coastal plan.
- Local authorities are directed under sections 55 and 57 of the Act to amend documents as necessary to give effect to this policy as soon as practicable, without using the process in Schedule 1 of the Act, with the effect that:
- any activity specified as a discretionary activity and a restricted coastal activity becomes a discretionary activity only;
- any activity specified as a non-complying activity and a restricted coastal activity becomes a non-complying activity only.
- Any application for a coastal permit for an activity specified as a restricted coastal activity that has been publicly notified before the date the amendments in clause (2) are made shall continue to be treated as an application for a restricted coastal activity for the purposes of section 117 of the Act.
- Any other application for an activity specified as a restricted coastal activity made before the date of the amendments in clause (2), shall be considered as a discretionary or non-complying activity in accordance with the regional coastal plan or proposed regional coastal plan’s classification and section 117 of the Act does not apply.