Policy 25: Subdivision, use, and development in areas of coastal hazard risk
Read policy about subdivision use and development in areas of coastal hazard risk – from the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010.In areas potentially affected by coastal hazards over at least the next 100 years:
- avoid increasing the risk10 of social, environmental and economic harm from coastal hazards;
- avoid redevelopment, or change in land use, that would increase the risk of adverse effects from coastal hazards;
- encourage redevelopment, or change in land use, where that would reduce the risk of adverse effects from coastal hazards, including managed retreat by relocation or removal of existing structures or their abandonment in extreme circumstances, and designing for relocatability or recoverability from hazard events;
- encourage the location of infrastructure away from areas of hazard risk where practicable;
- discourage hard protection structures and promote the use of alternatives to them, including natural defences; and
- consider the potential effects of tsunami and how to avoid or mitigate them.
10Risk – as defined in the Glossary.