- In managing discharges to water in the coastal environment, have particular regard to:
- the sensitivity of the receiving environment;
- the nature of the contaminants to be discharged, the particular concentration of contaminants needed to achieve the required water quality in the receiving environment, and the risks if that concentration of contaminants is exceeded; and
- the capacity of the receiving environment to assimilate the contaminants; and:
- avoid significant adverse effects on ecosystems and habitats after reasonable mixing;
- use the smallest mixing zone necessary to achieve the required water quality in the receiving environment; and
- minimise adverse effects on the life-supporting capacity of water within a mixing zone.
- In managing discharge of human sewage, do not allow:
- discharge of human sewage directly to water in the coastal environment without treatment; and
- the discharge of treated human sewage to water in the coastal environment, unless:
- there has been adequate consideration of alternative methods, sites and routes for undertaking the discharge; and
- informed by an understanding of tangata whenua values and the effects on them.
- Objectives, policies and rules in plans which provide for the discharge of treated human sewage into waters of the coastal environment must have been subject to early and meaningful consultation with tangata whenua.
- In managing discharges of stormwater take steps to avoid adverse effects of stormwater discharge to water in the coastal environment, on a catchment by catchment basis, by:
- avoiding where practicable and otherwise remedying cross contamination of sewage and stormwater systems;
- reducing contaminant and sediment loadings in stormwater at source, through contaminant treatment and by controls on land use activities;
- promoting integrated management of catchments and stormwater networks; and
- promoting design options that reduce flows to stormwater reticulation systems at source.
- In managing discharges from ports and other marine facilities:
- require operators of ports and other marine facilities to take all practicable steps to avoid contamination of coastal waters, substrate, ecosystems and habitats that is more than minor;
- require that the disturbance or relocation of contaminated seabed material, other than by the movement of vessels, and the dumping or storage of dredged material does not result in significant adverse effects on water quality or the seabed, substrate, ecosystems or habitats;
- require operators of ports, marinas and other relevant marine facilities to provide for the collection of sewage and waste from vessels, and for residues from vessel maintenance to be safely contained and disposed of; and
- consider the need for facilities for the collection of sewage and other wastes for recreational and commercial boating.