Policy 17: Historic heritage identification and protection
Read about protecting historic heritage in the coastal environment. Policy 17 from the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010 publication.

Protect historic heritage9 in the coastal environment from inappropriate subdivision, use, and development by:

  1. identification, assessment and recording of historic heritage, including archaeological sites;
  2. providing for the integrated management of such sites in collaboration with relevant councils, heritage agencies, iwi authorities and kaitiaki;
  3. initiating assessment and management of historic heritage in the context of historic landscapes;
  4. recognising that heritage to be protected may need conservation;
  5. facilitating and integrating management of historic heritage that spans the line of mean high water springs;
  6. including policies, rules and other methods relating to (a) to (e) above in regional policy statements, and plans;
  7. imposing or reviewing conditions on resource consents and designations, including for the continuation of activities;
  8. requiring, where practicable, conservation conditions; and
  9. considering provision for methods that would enhance owners’ opportunities for conservation of listed heritage structures, such as relief grants or rates relief.

9Refer to definition in section 2 of the Resource Management Act 1991.