Policy 1: Extent and characteristics of the coastal environment
Read policy about the extent and characteristics of the coastal environment, from the NZ Coastal Policy Statement 2010 publication.
  1. Recognise that the extent and characteristics of the coastal environment vary from region to region and locality to locality; and the issues that arise may have different effects in different localities.
  2. Recognise that the coastal environment includes:
    1. the coastal marine area;
    2. islands within the coastal marine area;
    3. areas where coastal processes, influences or qualities are significant, including coastal lakes, lagoons, tidal estuaries, saltmarshes, coastal wetlands, and the margins of these;
    4. areas at risk from coastal hazards;
    5. coastal vegetation and the habitat of indigenous coastal species including migratory birds;
    6. elements and features that contribute to the natural character, landscape, visual qualities or amenity values;
    7. items of cultural and historic heritage in the coastal marine area or on the coast;
    8. inter-related coastal marine and terrestrial systems, including the intertidal zone; and
    9. physical resources and built facilities, including infrastructure, that have modified the coastal environment.