Hard protection structure
Includes a seawall, rock revetment, groyne, breakwater, stop bank, retaining wall or comparable structure or modification to the seabed, foreshore or coastal land that has the primary purpose or effect of protecting an activity from a coastal hazard, including erosion.
Harmful aquatic organisms
Aquatic organisms which, if introduced into coastal water, may adversely affect the environment or biological diversity, pose a threat to human health, or interfere with legitimate use or protection of natural and physical resources in the coastal environment.
As defined in section 2 of the Resource Management Act 1991, notwithstanding the reference in section 2 to section 30.
Intertidal zone or area
The landward boundary of the intertidal zone or area is the extreme high water of spring tides, which is the average of the two highest tides at the period of the year when the range of the tides is greatest. The seaward boundary of the intertidal zone or area is the extreme low water of spring tides, which is the average of the two lowest tides at the period of the year when the range of the tides is greatest.
Land typing
Describes land types which form the basis over which land cover, land use and association information are addressed as the basis for land characterisation.
Landscape characterisation
Utilises the land typing base and overlay with land cover, land use and associations affecting or affected by coastal processes.
Marine facilities
Include ports, dry docks, slipways, moorings, marinas, moorings, boat servicing grids, wharves, jetties and ramps, offshore platforms, navigational aids, and associated structures and activities.
Mātauranga Māori
Māori customary knowledge, traditional knowledge or intergenerational knowledge.
Mixing zone
The area within which “reasonable mixing” of contaminants from discharges occurs in receiving waters and within which the relevant water quality standards do not apply.
Naturally rare
Originally rare: Rare before the arrival of humans in New Zealand.
Papakāinga developmen
Development of a communal nature on ancestral land owned by Māori.
Predictive modelling
Mathematical and computer modelling of archaeological location.
A person skilled or versed in the customary and traditional knowledge, tikanga, arts, histories and genealogies of a particular iwi or hapū.
Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event (including changes in circumstances) and the associated likelihood of occurrence (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management – Principles and guidelines, November 2009).
Material that forms the surface of the foreshore and seabed.
Surf break
A natural feature that is comprised of swell, currents, water levels, seabed morphology, and wind. The hydrodynamic character of the ocean (swell, currents and water levels) combines with seabed morphology and winds to give rise to a “surfable wave”. A surf break includes the “swell corridor” through which the swell travels, and the morphology of the seabed of that wave corridor, through to the point where waves created by the swell dissipate and become non-surfable.
“Swell corridor” means the region offshore of a surf break where ocean swell travels and transforms to a “surfable wave”.
“Surfable wave” means a wave that can be caught and ridden by a surfer. Surfable waves have a wave breaking point that peels along the unbroken wave crest so that the surfer is propelled laterally along the wave crest.
Named biological classification units assigned to individuals or sets of species (eg species, subspecies, genus, order, variety).