
September 2008
View the report What’s lurking in the Waituna wetlands? A freshwater fish survey – Arawai Kakariki Project.

The Awarua/Waituna area is a lowland wetland / peat bog complex of large scale and high habitat diversity and complexity. 

The wetland has been recognised internationally for its outstanding values by a RAMSAR designation. In 2008 the RAMSAR area was expanded to form the Awarua Wetland, an area in excess of 20,000 ha, being the largest Ramsar Wetland of International Importance in New Zealand.

Part of the wetland (Waituna Lagoon and its margins) has also been recognised nationally as an important area by gaining Scientific Reserve status in 1983. The wetland offers a diversity of aquatic habitats for fish species.


Intensification of agriculture in the Awarua/Waituna wetlands has resulted in land use changes, land development and water quality issues. Human induced change in the catchment over time places pressure on the natural environment and the biota living within it. As a result of changes to the environment, the fish fauna composition, abundance, and habitat use may change.

Therefore, it is important to establish baseline fish data in order to measure change across seasons and changes in the environment (both as a result of land use changes and management initiatives).

Thus, the study aims to establish baseline fish data in the Waituna catchment, including information on habitat associations, composition, relative abundance and population structure. This information will be used to guide future fish biodiversity programmes in the wetlands, as well as management options, monitoring and further field survey.


Summary of Findings and Recommendations

  1. Background
  2. Introduction 
    1. Aim 
  3. Methods
    1. Sites
    2. Data Collection
    3. Fish Records
    4. Habitat Records
  4. Results and Discussion
    1. Habitat Description
    2. Fish Communities
  5. Conclusions
  6. Recommendations and priorities for future management


Appendix 1: Fish species previously recorded in the Waituna catchment

Appendix 2: Fish survey site localities

Publication information

Emily Atkinson

Published by the Department of Conservation

© Copyright 2008, New Zealand Department of Conservation

ISBN: 978-0-478-14636-3 (Hard copy)
ISBN: 978-0-478-14637-0 (Web PDF)

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