Implementing key components of the Kaikōura Marine Strategy
Read an analysis of the options for implementing the key components of the Kaikōura Marine Strategy, submitted to the government by Te Korowai o Te Tai ō Marokura in 2012. Published December 2013

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Implementing key components of the Kaikōura Marine Strategy (PDF, 1,866K)

Published by the Ministry of Primary Industries and the Department of Conservation.

ISBN (print): 978-0-478-42093-7
ISBN (online): 978-0-478-42092-0


The Kaikōura marine and coastal environment has unique biological features and is of historical, cultural, spiritual and economic significance with a thriving tourism industry centred on the viewing of marine mammals worth $134m per annum in local revenue. Despite these attributes, Kaikōura has very little formal coastal or marine protection.

Recognising this, a group of mainly local community members came together in 2005 and established themselves as Te Korowai o Te Tai ō Marokura (Te Korowai - the Kaikōura Coastal Marine Guardians) to provide leadership about the use and protection of Kaikōura’s resources.

Te Korowai submitted the Kaikōura Marine Strategy to the government in 2012. The Strategy seeks to protect the marine environment in Kaikōura whilst providing economic benefits and opportunities for present and future generations.

This Regulatory Impact Statement, prepared by the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) and the Department of Conservation (DOC), provides an analysis of the options for implementing the key components the Strategy. MPI and DOC propose that special legislation is the most efficient and effective means to give effect to the Strategy.

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