
Read the full list of publications utilised in compiling the Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2022.

Title: IUCN guidelines for amphibian reintroductions and other conservation translocations
Authors: Linhoff, L.J.; Soorae, P.S.; Harding, G.; Donnelly, M.A.; Germano, J.M.; Hunter, D.A.; McFadden, M.; Mendelson III, J.R.; Pessier, A.P.; Sredl, M.J., Eckstut, M.E.
Volume:  First edition
Publisher: IUCN, Gland, Switzerland

Title: Mystacina tuberculate
Authors: O'Donnell, C.
Publication: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Read the Mystacina tuberculate publication

Title: Chalinolobus tuberculatus
Authors: O'Donnell, C.
Publication: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Read the Chalinolobus tuberculatus publication

Title: Mystacina robusta
Authors: O'Donnell, C.
Publication: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Read the Mystacina robusta publication

Title: Amendment to the New Zealand Threat Classification System manual 2008: revised categories 2021
Authors: Michel, P.
Publisher: Department of Conservation, Wellington

Title: Conservation status of New Zealand Araneae (spiders), 2020
Authors: Sirvid, P.J.; Vink, C.J.; Fitzgerald, B.M.; Wakelin, M.D.; Rolfe, J.; Michel, P.
Publication: New Zealand Threat Classification Series 34
Publisher: Department of Conservation, Wellington

Title: Conservation status of New Zealand reptiles, 2021
Authors: Hitchmough, R.A.; Barr, B.; Knox, C.; Lettink, M.; Monks, J.M.; Patterson, G.B.; Reardon, J.T.; van Winkel, D.; Rolfe, J.; Michel, P.
Publication: New Zealand Threat Classification Series 35
Publisher: Department of Conservation, Wellington

Title: Conservation status of birds in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2021
Authors: Robertson, H.A.; Baird, K.A.; Elliott, G.P.; Hitchmough, R.A.; McArthur, N.J.; Makan, T.D.; Miskelly, C.M.; O'Donnell, C.F.J.; Sagar, P.M.; Scofield, R.P.; Taylor, G.A.; Michel, P.
Publication: New Zealand Threat Classification Series 36
Publisher: Department of Conservation, Wellington

Title: Conservation status of parasitic mites and ticks (Acari) in New Zealand, 2021
Authors: Heath, A.; Rolfe, J.; Michel, P.
Publication: New Zealand Threat Classification Series 37
Publisher: Department of Conservation, Wellington

Title: A structured approach for the recovery of tara iti / New Zealand fairy tern (Sternula nereis davisae)
Authors: McMurdo Hamilton, T.; Canessa, S.; Makan, T.; Ewen, J.G.
Publisher: Department of Conservation, Wellington

Title: Using round tracking tunnels to monitor Mahoenui giant w?t? (Deinacrida mahoenui) at the Mahoenui Giant W?t? Scientific Reserve, King Country
Authors: Watts, C.; Thornburrow, D.; Bridgman, L.
Publication: Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research contract report for the Department of Conservation
Publisher: Hamilton, Landcare Research

Title: Review of two translocations used as a conservation tool for an endemic terrestrial frog, Leiopelma archeyi, in New Zealand
Authors: Cisternas, J.; Easton, L.; Germano, J.M.; Haigh, A.; Gibson, R.; Haupokia, N.; Hughes, F.; Hughes, M.; Wehi, P.M.; Bishop P.J. (Soorae, P.S. (Ed))
Publication: Global reintroduction perspectives: 2021 case studies from around the globe
Publisher: IUCN/SSC Conservation Translocation Specialist Group, Environment Agency, Gland, Switzerland

Title: Chalinolobus tuberculatus
Authors: O'Donnell, C.F.J.; Borkin, K.M. (King, C.M.; Forsyth, D.M. (Eds))
Publication: The Handbook of New Zealand Mammals
Volume: Third edition
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne

Title: Use of aerial remote sensing to detect pre-coning wilding conifers in a dry grassland environment
Authors: Greene, T.; Sprague, R.; De Schutter, A.; Raal, P.; Schurink, C.; Briden, K.; Earl, R.
Publication: DOC Research and Development Series 364

Title: Resilience through nature: insights snapshot - COVID-19 context
Authors: Kaur, J.
Publication: Insights from UMR research commissioned by DOC

Read the Resilience through nature publication

Title: Body odours as lures for stoats Mustela erminea: captive and field trials
Authors: Murphy, E.; Sjoberg, T.; Agnew, T.; Sutherland, M.; Andrews, G.; Williams, R.; Williams, J.; Ross, J.; Clapperton, B.
Publication: Animals
Volume 12, Number 3

Read the Body odours as lures for stoats Mustela erminea publication

Title: Fertilization potential of cold-stored Fowler's toad (Anaxyrus fowleri) spermatozoa: temporal changes in sperm motility based on temperature and osmolality
Authors: Arregui, L.; Kouba, A.J.; Germano, J.M.; Barrios, L.; Moore, M.; Kouba, C.K.
Publication: Reproduction, Fertility and Development

Read the Fertilization potential of cold-stored Fowler's toad (Anaxyrus fowleri) spermatozoa publication

Title: Hormone treatment does not reliably induce spermiation or mating in Hamilton's frog from the archaic leiopelmatid lineage
Authors: Germano, J.M.; Cree, A.; Molinia, F.; Arregui, L.; Bishop, P.J.
Publication: Reproduction, Fertility and Development

Read the Hormone treatment does not reliably induce spermiation or mating in Hamilton's frog from the archaic leiopelmatid lineage publication

Title: Conservation translocations in Aotearoa New Zealand in the predator-free era
Authors: Parker, K.A.; Ewen, J.G.; Weiser, E.L.; Rayne, A.; Steeves, T.; Seddon, P.J.; Innes, J.; Adams, L.; Forsdick, N.; Maitland, M.; Makan, T.; Martini, D.; Parlato, E.; Richardson, K.; Stone, Z.; Armstrong, D.P.
Publication: EcoEvoRxiv

Read the Conservation translocations in Aotearoa New Zealand in the predator-free era publication

Title: Gastrointestinal helminth parasites of the threatened Australasian crested grebe (Podiceps cristatus australis, Gould 1844) in New Zealand, with descriptions of Baruscapillaria kamanae n. sp. (Nematoda: Trichuridae) and Cryptocotyle micromorpha n. sp. (Trematoda: Opisthorchiidae)
Authors: Presswell, B.; Bennett, J.
Publication: Systematic Parasitology
Volume 99, Number 2

Read the Gastrointestinal helminth parasites of the threatened Australasian crested grebe in New Zealand publication

Title: Penned release reduces area use by translocated barking geckos (Naultinus punctatus)
Authors: Flynn-Plummer, T.; Monks, J.M.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Volume 45, Number 1

Read the Penned release reduces area use by translocated barking geckos publication

Title: Social networks and social stability in a translocated population of Otago skinks (Oligosoma otagense)
Authors: Elangovan, V.; Bovill, L.; Cree, A.; Monks, J.M.; Godfrey, S.S.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Volume 45, Number 1

Read the Social networks and social stability in a translocated population of Otago skinks publication

Title: Individual specialists within a generalist niche: variable diet of stoats and implications for conservation
Authors: McAulay, J.R.; Monks, J.M.; Wilson, D.J.; Seddon, P.J.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Volume 45, Number 2

Read the Individual specialists within a generalist niche: variable diet of stoats and implications for conservation publication

Title: European hedgehogs rear young and enter hibernation in New Zealand's alpine zones
Authors: Foster, N.J.; Maloney, R.F.; Recio, M.R.; Seddon, P.J.; van Heezik, Y.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Volume 45, Number 2

Read the European hedgehogs rear young and enter hibernation in New Zealand's alpine zones publication

Title: Species turnover in forest bird communities on Fiordland islands following predator eradications
Authors: Miskelly, C.M.; Greene, T.C.; McMurtrie, P.G.; Morrison, K.; Taylor, G.A.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Thomas. B.W.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Volume 45, Number 2

Read the Species turnover in forest bird communities on Fiordland islands following predator eradications publication

Title: The effects of beech masts and 1080 pest control on South Island robins (Petroica australis)
Authors: Bell, M.A.N.; Armstrong, D.P.; Tinnemans, J.S.J; Rawlence, T.E.; Bell, C.W.; McDonald, A.; Moran, K.J.; Elliott, G.P.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Volume 45, Number 2

Read the The effects of beech masts and 1080 pest control on South Island robins publication

Title: Growth and survival of transplanted black beech (Fuscospora solandri) seedlings on Motuareronui (Adele Island)
Authors: Moore, S.; Moorehouse, R.; Elliott, G.; Lindsay H
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Volume 46, Number 1

Read the Growth and survival of transplanted black beech seedlings on Motuareronui publication

Title: Kiwi translocation review: are we releasing enough birds and to the right places?
Authors: Jahn, P., Cagua, E.F.; Molles, L.E.; Ross, J.G.; Germano, J.M.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Volume 46, Number 1

Read the Kiwi translocation review publication

Title: Comparison of footprint tracking and pitfall trapping for detecting skinks
Authors: Lettink, M.; Young, J.; Monks, J.M.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Volume 46, Number 2

Read the Comparison of footprint tracking and pitfall trapping for detecting skinks publication

Title: Testing the effectiveness of integrated pest control at protecting whio (Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos) from stoat (Mustela erminea) predation in beech forest (Nothofagaceae)
Authors: Steffens, K.E.; Malham, J.P.; Davies, R.S.; Elliott, G.P.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Volume 46, Number 1

Read the testing the effectiveness of integrated pest control at protecting whio from stoat predation in beech forest publication

Title: Burn probability mapping of Moutohor? (Whale Island), Bay of Plenty, Aotearoa New Zealand
Authors: Christensen, B.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Ecology
Volume 46, Number 1

Read the Burn probability mapping of Moutohor publication

Title: Irruptive dynamics of invasive carnivores and prey populations, and predator control, affect kea survivorship across the Southern Alps
Authors: Kemp, J.; Young, L.; Mosen, C.; Bolitho, L.; Orr-Walker, T.; Yockney, L.; Elliott, G.P.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Zoology

Read the Irruptive dynamics of invasive carnivores and prey populations, and predator control, affect kea survivorship across the Southern Alps publication

Title: Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact
Authors: Grace, M.K., Akçakaya, H.R., Bennett, E.L., et al.
Publication: Conservation Biology
Volume 35, Number 6

Read the Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact publication

Title: Using helicopter counts to estimate the abundance of Himalayan tahr in New Zealand's Southern Alps
Authors: Ramsey, D.S.L.; Forsyth, D.M.; Perry, M.; Thomas, P.; McKay, M.; Wright, E.F.
Publication: Journal of Wildlife Management

Read the Using helicopter counts to estimate the abundance of Himalayan tahr in New Zealand's Southern Alps publication

Title: Evaluation of counting methods for monitoring populations of a cryptic alpine passerine, the rock wren (Passeriformes, Acanthisittidae, Xenicus gilviventris)
Authors: Monks, J.M.; O'Donnell, C.F.J.; Greene, T.C.; Weston, K.A.
Publication: PLOS One
Volume 16, Number 3

Read the Evaluation of counting methods for monitoring populations of a cryptic alpine passerine, the rock wren publication

Title: Thermal heterogeneity of selected retreats in cool-temperate viviparous lizards suggests a potential benefit of future climate warming
Authors: Chukwuka, C.O.; Mello, R.S.R.; Cree, A.; Monks, J.M.
Publication: Journal of Thermal Biology
Volume 97

Read the Thermal heterogeneity of selected retreats in cool-temperate viviparous lizards suggests a potential benefit of future climate warming publication

Title: A nocturnally foraging gecko of the high-latitude alpine zone: extreme tolerance of cold nights, with cryptic basking by day
Authors: Bertoia, A.; Monks, J.; Knox, C.; Cree, A.
Publication: Journal of Thermal Biology
Volume 99

Read the A nocturnally foraging gecko of the high-latitude alpine zone publication

Title: Climate-change impacts exacerbate conservation threats in island systems: New Zealand as a case study
Authors: Macinnis-Ng, C.; Mcintosh, A.R.; Monks, J.M.; Waipara, N.; White, R.S.; Boudjelas, S.; Clark, C.D.; Clearwater, M.J.; Curran, T.J.; Dickinson, K.J.; Nelson, N.; Perry, G.L.; Richardson, S.J.; Stanley, M.C.; Peltzer, D.A.
Publication: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Volume 19, Number 4

Read the Climate-change impacts exacerbate conservation threats in island systems publication

Title: Variable vulnerability to climate change in New Zealand lizards
Authors: Jarvie, S.; Ingram, T.; Chapple, D.G.; Hitchmough, R.A.; Nielsen, S.V.; Monks, J.M.
Publication: Journal of Biogeography
Volume 49, Number 2

Read the Variable vulnerability to climate change in New Zealand lizards publication

Title: A taxonomic revision of the Australasian genera Dracophyllum and Richea (Richeeae: Styphelioideae: Ericaceae)
Authors: Venter, S.
Publication: Australian Systematic Botany
Volume 34, Number 2

Read the A taxonomic revision of the Australasian genera Dracophyllum and Richea publication

Title: Taxonomic revision of five species groups of ebracteate-erect Myosotis (Boraginaceae) endemic to New Zealand, based on morphology, and description of new subspecies
Authors: Meudt, H.M.
Publication: Australian Systematic Botany
Volume 34, Number 3

Read the Taxonomic revision of five species groups of ebracteate-erect Myosotis endemic to New Zealand, based on morphology, and description of new subspecies publication

Title: Taxonomic realignment of Senecio glaucophyllus (Asteraceae; Senecioneae) necessitates a new name for a widespread New Zealand species
Authors: Chia-Sin, L.; Courtney, S.P; de Lange, P.J.; Pelser, P.B.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Botany
Volume 59, Number 3

Read the Taxonomic realignment of Senecio glaucophyllus necessitates a new name for a widespread New Zealand species publication

Title: A new species of Stolonivector (Lophocoleaceae: Hepaticophyta) from New Zealand
Authors: Frogley, K.; Glenny, D.
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Botany
Volume 59, Number 1

Read the A new species of Stolonivector from New Zealand publication

Title: Initial floral visitor identity and foraging time strongly influence blueberry reproductive success
Authors: Kendall, L.K.; Stavert, J.R.; Gagic, V.; Hall, M.; Rader, R.
Publication: Basic and Applied Ecology
Volume 60

Read the Initial floral visitor identity and foraging time strongly influence blueberry reproductive success publication

Title: Pollen-insect interaction meta?networks identify key relationships for conservation in mosaic agricultural landscapes
Authors: Hall, M.A.; Stavert, J.R.; Saunders, M.E.; Barr, S.; Haberle, S.G.; Rader, R.
Publication: Ecological Applications
Volume e2537

Read the Pollen-insect interaction meta publication

Title: Biological and behavioral responses of European honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies to perfluorooctane sulfonate exposure
Authors: Sonter, C.A.; Rader, R.; Stevenson, G.; Stavert, J.R.; Wilson, S.C.
Publication: Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management
Volume 17, Number 4

Read the Biological and behavioral responses of European honey bee colonies to perfluorooctane sulfonate exposure publication

Title: Trade-offs among plant reproductive traits determine interactions with floral visitors
Authors: Lanuza, J.B.; Rader, R.; Stavert, J.; Kendall, L.K.; Saunders, M.E.; Bartomeus, I.
Publication: BioR xiv

Read the Trade-offs among plant reproductive traits determine interactions with floral visitors publication

Title: The conservation management implications of isolation by distance and high genetic diversity in Great Spotted Kiwi (Apteryx haastii)
Authors: Taylor, H.R.; Robertson, H.A.; Carter, A.L.; Ramstad, K.M.
Publication: Emu - Austral Ornithology
Volume 121, Number 44593

Read the The conservation management implications of isolation by distance and high genetic diversity in Great Spotted Kiwi publication

Title: Hybridisation in kiwi (Apteryx; Apterygidae) requires taxonomic revision for the Great Spotted Kiwi
Authors: Shepherd, L.D.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Robertson, H.A.; Colbourne, R.M.; Ramstad, K.M.
Publication: Avian Research
Volume 12

Read the Hybridisation in kiwi (Apteryx; Apterygidae) requires taxonomic revision for the Great Spotted Kiwi publication

Title: Identification of the type locality of the South Island Brown Kiwi Apteryx australis: a nomenclatural framework for the Southern Tokoeka and an insight into the movements of sealers in the early 19th century
Authors: Scofield, R.P.; Wood, J.R.; de Nascimento, L.; Robertson, H.A.; Colbourne, R.M.; de Pietri, V.L.; Innes, J.; Weir, J.T.
Publication: Conservation Genetics
Volume 22

Read the Identification of the type locality of the South Island Brown Kiwi Apteryx australis publication

Title: Demographic decline and lineage-specific adaptations characterize New Zealand kiwi
Authors: Bemmels, J.B.; Mikkelsen, E.K.; Haddrath, O.; Colbourne, R.M.; Robertson, H.A.; Weir, J.T.
Publication: Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Volume 288, Number 1965

Read the Demographic decline and lineage-specific adaptations characterize New Zealand kiwi publication

Title: Conservation pest control with new technologies: public perceptions
Authors: MacDonald, E.A.; Neff, M.B.; Edwards, E.; Medvecky, F.; Balanovic, J.
Publication: Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand
Volume 52, Number 1

Read the Conservation pest control with new technologies publication

Title: Applying a social-ecological systems lens to patterns of policy, operational change, and gender participation in a large Aotearoa New Zealand organisation
Authors: Forbes, V.C.B.; Dickinson, K.J.M.; Hulbe, C.L.
Publication: Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand

Read the Applying a social-ecological systems lens to patterns of policy, operational change, and gender participation in a large Aotearoa New Zealand organisation publication

Title: Seasonal survey of waterfowl (Anatidae), shags (Phalacrocoracidae) and fernbird (Bowdleria punctata) at Te Nohoaka o Tukiauau/Sinclair Wetlands, Otago: July 2015 - July 2018
Authors: Thompson, M.P.; McKinlay, B.
Publication: Notornis
Volume 68, Number 4

Title: Field sexing techniques for Fiordland crested penguins (tawaki; Eudyptes pachyrhynchus)
Authors: White, J.; Mattern, T.; Ellenberg, U.; Garcia-Borboroglu, P.; Houston, D.M.; Seddon, P.J.; Mays, H.L.
Publication: Notornis
Volume 68, Number 3

Title: Genomic sequencing confirms absence of introgression despite past hybridisation between a critically endangered bird and its common congener
Authors: Forsdick, N.J.; Martini, D.; Brown, L.; Cross, H.B.; Maloney, R.F.; Steeves, T.E.
Publication: Global Ecology and Conservation
Volume 28, Number e01681

Read the Genomic sequencing confirms absence of introgression despite past hybridisation between a critically endangered bird and its common congener publication

Title: Altitudinal distribution of the entire invasive small mammal guild in the eastern dryland zone of New Zealand's Southern Alps
Authors: Foster, N.J.; Maloney, R.F.; Seddon, P.J.; Recio, M.R.; Khan, M.S.I.; van Heezik, Y.
Publication: Biological Invasions
Volume 23, Number 6

Read the Altitudinal distribution of the entire invasive small mammal guild in the eastern dryland zone of New Zealand's Southern Alps publication

Title: Measuring the effective dispersal of an emerging coastal weed, Euphorbia paralias (sea spurge), to help inform its eradication
Authors: Thomson, F.
Publication: Biological Invasions
Volume 24

Read the Measuring the effective dispersal of an emerging coastal weed, Euphorbia paralias, to help inform its eradication publication

Title: Monitoring dynamic braided river habitats: applicability and efficacy of aerial photogrammetry from manned aircraft versus unmanned aerial systems
Authors: Khan, M.S.I.; Ohlemüller, R.; Maloney, R.F.; Seddon, P.J.
Publication: Drones
Volume 5, Number 2

Read the Monitoring dynamic braided river habitats: applicability and efficacy of aerial photogrammetry from manned aircraft versus unmanned aerial systems publication

Title: Detection of Southern Beech heavy flowering using Sentinel-2 imagery
Authors: Jolly, B.; Dymond, J.R.; Shepherd, J.D.; Greene, T.; Schindler, J.
Publication: Remote Sensing
Volume 14, Number 7

Read the Detection of Southern Beech heavy flowering using Sentinel-2 imagery publication

Title: Halton iterative partitioning master frames
Authors: Robertson, B., van Dam-Bates, P.; Gansell, O.
Publication: Environmental and Ecological Statistics
Volume 29

Read the Halton iterative partitioning master frames publication

Title: Scientifically framed gene drive communication perceived as credible but riskier
Authors: MacDonald, E.A.; Edwards, E.D.; Balanovic, J.; Medvecky, F.
Publication: People and Nature
Volume 3, Number 2

Read the Scientifically framed gene drive communication perceived as credible but riskier publication

Title: Indigenous peoples' attitudes and social acceptability of invasive species control in New Zealand
Authors: Black, A.; Garner, G.; Mark-Shadbolt, M.; Balanovic, J.; MacDonald, E.; Mercier, O.; Wright, J.
Publication: Pacific Conservation Biology

Read the Indigenous peoples' attitudes and social acceptability of invasive species control in New Zealand publication

Title: Anchoring "tourism value" within a regenerative tourism paradigm - a government perspective
Authors: Becken, S.; Kaur, J
Publication: Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Volume 30, Number 1

Read the Anchoring "tourism value" within a regenerative tourism paradigm - a government perspective publication

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